Different Lyrans (Alathfar, Aladfar, Sulaphat, Emerald Order & more)

Описание к видео Different Lyrans (Alathfar, Aladfar, Sulaphat, Emerald Order & more)

Lyrans represent founders in the sense that life force was awakened in them first (when it comes to this system of 12 dimensions)
In this video we talk about some traits of lyrans and starseeds that are embodying specific traits:

Beings from Alathfar love spiritual science
Beings from Aladar are mostly helping the collective with “simpler” teachings
Sulaphat represents an integration of the 3 orders (Aramatena, Vega and Sheliak)

Lyra experienced the original fall, original sin, separation from source through the wars of Aramatena in which the 3 main orders of founder lyrans were involved and that separation reverberated across all the 12 dimensiones of this system of dimensions

Lyrans as founders 0:00:38
The lyran star systems 0:02:16
Lyrans from Alathfar 0:03:08
Lyrans from Aladfar 0:06:52
Lyrans from the nebula 0:09:13
Lyran-Draco wars 0:11:00
Aramatena, Vega and Sheliak 0:14:12

-One on one 15D Cosmic Akashic Records Reading: https://www.galacticrosetemple.com/15...
-New Guardians Astrology (for starseed with corrected solar system by the guardians):https://www.galacticrosetemple.com/gu...
-15D Cosmic Akashic Records Certification: https://www.galacticrosetemple.com/co...
-Galactic Priestess Training: https://www.galacticrosetemple.com/ga...

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*Donations are very well received in order to continue with this channel, I am not part of any of the big New Age manipulations, this is all self-resourced, my only support is God!

**Remember you can choose English or Spanish subtitles for the video

Thank you so much for your support ❤️🕊️

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