Broadbill Swordfish. Things don't always go to plan.

Описание к видео Broadbill Swordfish. Things don't always go to plan.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. These 90-150kg models seem to give us the most trouble. Erratic and unpredictable, just as this one was. The speed these fish can move with just a few tail beats is impressive and you have to be ready to react. Unfortunately we missed the most impressive close-up jump, and yes, that was my scream. It was charging at us and there was real fear for a moment of that thing coming into the boat!
There was probably a gaff shot there, but I'd prefer to get it in the right spot. Sometimes that spot doesn't present, a downside to fishing 2-up. It was still a "captured fish" but we fell just short of filling in the tag card. Thanks for watching :) ‪@itswizza‬


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