"Macbeth", with Paul Scofield - 1966 - BBC Radio

Описание к видео "Macbeth", with Paul Scofield - 1966 - BBC Radio

This production of “The Scottish Play” starring Paul Scofield in the lead role, was first broadcast on the Third Programme in April 1966 and was subsequently repeated on Radio 4 when the network was launched in 1967. It is one of the few dramas from that period which has been retained by the BBC archive, and it was aired again on 10th May 2008 as part of the BBC7 tribute to Paul Scofield who died in March 2008 at the age of 83.

One episode of approximately two hours and 15 minutes.

Paul Scofield: Macbeth
Peggy Ashcroft: Lady Macbeth
David Westen: Malcolm
John Westbrook: Banquo
Allan McClelland: Lord
Brian Hewlett: Donalbain
Cecile Chevraeau: Gentlewoman
Fraser Kerr: Angus
Glyn Dearman: Young Siward/Glyn Dearman Fleance
Grizelda Hervey: 1st Witch
Henry Stamper: Seyton/Old Man
Jane Wenham: Lady Macduff
John Dearth: Captain
John Hollis: Siward, Earl of Northumberland/1st Murderer
John Humphry: Lennox
John Justin: Ross
Mary O'Farrell: 2nd Witch
Nicholas Charles: Macduff's son
Noel Howlett: Doctor of Physic
Preston Lockwood: Caithness
Stephen Thorne: 2nd Murderer/Menteith
Sylvia Coleridge: 3rd Witch
Timothy West: Porter
Walter Fitzgerald: King Duncan

Music: John Buckland
Dir: John Tydeman

"Paul Scofield kept the listener with him for every inch of the way...Mr. Scofield's performance was ... quivering with sensibility and never far from hysteria, working from one appalling action to the next with the perverted energy of a man cutting across the grain of his nature. Mr. Scofield's mastery of verse is unsurpassed by anyone except Gielgud in the modern theatre, and here his exhausted pauses and savagely renewed attack on the lines turned the language itself into a physical symbol of the moral laws whose weight he was heaving aside". "Getting Across the Inwardness of Macbeth", The Times of London, 30 April 1966.


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