"All That Is" Song by Reya Manna

Описание к видео "All That Is" Song by Reya Manna

New Song Release!!
By Reya Manna

ABOUT "All That Is":

This melody came to me while singing to the Atlantic Ocean at dawn one summer morning on a vacation with my family. A week later, I went to the Chiricahua Mountains in Eastern Arizona during monsoon season. I wrote some of the words to the song upon my arrival.

One day, the sky got so thick with clouds threatening to rain, but wouldn't & the heat was so heavy in the air. I stood outside singing to the darkened sky, inviting the rains to come and quench this parched land. As I was inviting the rains, I realized that the sky "not" raining was a reflection of my own internal landscape of so much unprocessed and unreleased grief and sadness. I realized that I could see and appreciate the beauty in the journey of others - but not my own; that I held such judgment against myself and my own life path - and so much grief about what I perceived was "wrong" with my life experience. I remembered a teaching from the universe - that we live in a world of the "unforgiven" - whatever we don't forgive in ourselves or others we are bound to repeat.

At that point, I asked the sky to help me cry all my uncried tears. I began to sing the words...

"I love all that is before me
I see the beauty of my story
I forgive the past that's behind me
and see my future shining brightly"

As tears poured from my eyes, the rains began to fall around me - the thunder and lightning struck - and I felt that God is the All That Is - every moment, every breath, every situation, every person, every rock and tree and creature. And that to truly love God - we had to love all of it - accept all of it - love ourselves, love myself. And this whole life experience is orchestrated for us to know Love.

About a year later, I went to my great friend, Colin Martin and asked him to record and produce the song for me. We started - and then it sat for many months because I wasn't sure of the direction for the song. I decided to finish the song because I wanted to support my friends and have them play on the track. I invited Jared Stein, who plays with me for Song Church, to play mandolin and violin on the song. When we received his contribution, Colin and I were blown away - so deeply moved and inspired by his violin solo. Then we sent the song to Jamie Papish to lay down his masterful percussion. I wanted the song to sound like it sounds when we sing it live - when we are all singing the different parts at the same time, with the musicians whose hearts and souls bring the music to life.

The recording of the song reminded me that we are here for each other. When we make choices that benefit more than just us alone - we are greatly and richly rewarded.

"Ahiyayay" to the All That Is. "Ahiyayay" means thank you in Apache. This song was born on Apache land - where you can still feel those warrior spirits chanting on the wind...

Written & performed by Reya Manna
Produced by Colin Martin
Vocals: Reya Manna
Charango: Reya Manna
Violin and Mandolin: Jared Stein
Acoustic Guitar: Colin Martin
Bass: Colin Martin
Percussion: Jamie Papish
Mixing & Mastering: Jim Kissling

All that is
All that is
All that is
All that is

Heaven and Earth
meet in this moment for rebirth
of its sons and its daughters and a new earth
born through our Love of Creator each other and our Holy Mother

We stand up,
one for each other and bridge the gap to our future
all the love that's within us, beside us, before us, behind us


Heaven and Earth
meet in this moment for rebirth
of its sons and its daughters and a new earth
born through our Love of Creator each other and our Holy Mother

We stand up,
one for each other and bridge the gap to our future
all the love that's within us, beside us, before us, behind us

We come back
to the cause of it all
and restore our way on forward
And stand strong, like a mountain, realizing that we are One with All That Is


I love all that is before me
I see the beauty of my story
I forgive the past that's behind me
and see my future shining brightly



Singing to the Earth, to our sacred lands is so rewarding. It can teach us so much about ourselves, can heal deep wounds & remind us that we exist in an interconnected web of life. We belong to one another. When we live in this way, we begin to come back to ourselves and find deep meaning and purpose once again...
Learn more about Singing to the Earth with the SongKeeper School...


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