W3 Seminar: Non-floodplain wetlands: Advances in watershed science

Описание к видео W3 Seminar: Non-floodplain wetlands: Advances in watershed science

Non-floodplain wetlands – those located outside the floodplains – have emerged as integral components to watershed resilience, contributing hydrologic and biogeochemical functions affecting watershed-scale flooding extent, drought magnitude, and water-quality maintenance. Multiple avenues of evidence demonstrate these meaningful watershed-scale effects. An US EPA Office of Research and Development research team has been collaborating for several years on mapping, modeling, and measuring the downstream effects of non-floodplain wetlands (also known as geographically isolated wetlands). Our presentation here describes recent findings and contextualizes these findings in light of resource management outcomes, focusing on hydrological and biogeochemical processing at multiple scales.


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