✨✨EXTREME Glitter Overload✨✨ Sparkle Bombs, Fresh Blocks & A Sea of Glitter | 8k Celebration Finale

Описание к видео ✨✨EXTREME Glitter Overload✨✨ Sparkle Bombs, Fresh Blocks & A Sea of Glitter | 8k Celebration Finale

Hi Beauties 👋

Welp, it’s officially happened - I’ve lost my sparkly mind!!!! As I was pondering how to wrap-up our 8k celebration, I had a list of ideas. I was initially thinking a reform crush with the #grittywithglitter mix. Or a mass slab crush. Or some fluffly peroxide pumpkins. And then, IT HIT ME!!!!!!!!

Lots of glitter.

Crumbling blocks into a SEA of glitter 😍😍

A water crush, of sorts - but hold the H2O, add the sparkle ✨

This angle is a bit deceptive but there’s about 5 total pounds of glitter in this bowl & I was in HEAVEN!!!!

I’ve been trying to push the limits on glitter reforms & wondering how much glitter I can add and how little chalk it will take to bind it together! So, I’ve decided to find out 🥳. After crushing this goodness, I sifted out most of the chalk powder and am reforming it into my most epic, sparkly blocks EVER 😬😬😬. I can’t wait to see how they turn out & share them with you!!!

I’m in New Jersey for work so we will all have to wait until I’m home on Thursday and fingers crossed,
It will be worth it.

Also, flashback to that time I crushed PJ blocks in this very hotel several months ago. I was laughing to myself tonight as I’m typing this description & thinking about that decision. I wonder if housekeeping saw my name on the list & rolled their eyes, remembering the random white powder residue that I left behind (I swear I cleaned 99% of it up before I left! My first job ever as a 15 year old was as a hotel housekeeper & I’ve never forgotten how irritating it was to walk into a major mess). I am also fully trained on speed folding towels, making a bed without fitted sheets & will never check out of a hotel without throwing all the towels in the tub and leaving a tip on the table. Some habits are hard to break!

Maybe someday I’ll share some horror stories of my hotel housekeeping experiences & the things that guests leave behind. But this is a happy occasion - not a horror movie 🤣🤣

Thank you guys for your sweet comments, your continued support & celebrating with me the past few days. Can’t wait till we can do it again 💖💜

Sparkle 💖✨


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