Budget Magic: $99 (18 tix) Martyr Proc (Modern)

Описание к видео Budget Magic: $99 (18 tix) Martyr Proc (Modern)

There's one deck in Modern that I've wanted to play on Budget Magic for a long time, but every time I tried to build it I found there was one really important card that drove the price up out of the budget range. The deck is Martyr Proc, and the card is Serra Ascendant. Finally, thanks to a reprinting in Iconic Masters, Serra Ascendant is cheap, dropping from about $20 to around $8 (and falling).

If you're not familiar with Martyr Proc, it's basically a strange mono-white control deck, that also has some free win potential from turning Serra Ascendant into a 6/6 flying, lifelinker as early as turn two! The primary game plan is to slow down the game by gaining life, and then take things over in the late game thanks to the absurd engine that is Proclamation of Rebirth! Can we make Martyr Proc work on a budget? Let's get to the videos and find out, then we'll talk more about the deck!

► Read more about this deck (full article): https://www.mtggoldfish.com/articles/...
► View this deck with the latest prices: https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/8441...

◼ Purchase this deck (paper): http://mtg.fish/8GCbH
◼ Purchase this deck (Magic Online): http://mtg.fish/kTDiG


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