Takin' a Shellackin' - Playing with dyes and shellac to see what happens

Описание к видео Takin' a Shellackin' - Playing with dyes and shellac to see what happens

I love shellac. Love it. And, in the past, I have made some really neat effects by mixing dye in with it, creating a sort of candy-coated look to a few boxes I made.

I have been thinking a lot about applying this technique over the top of paint. Before trying that on something important, though, I wanted to do some tests.

The results were... interesting. Some things worked and others were not anything I would use in a real project. It was fun, though!

I plan to re-brand this channel from "The Ordinary Guy's Workshop" to "Woodwork for Goodwork." I think that better captures what I am going for. Profits from all projects that I sell from this channel go to Habitat for Humanity or one of the other charities I support and believe it.

Thanks for swinging by, and I hope you enjoy the show!


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