Three girls Reshma, Salma, and Mandeep are playing a game by standing on a circle of radius 5m.

Описание к видео Three girls Reshma, Salma, and Mandeep are playing a game by standing on a circle of radius 5m.

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Maths Class- 9
Chapter-9, Circles
Exercise - 9.2, Q. No-5

"Three girls Reshma, Salma, and Mandeep are playing a game by standing on a circle of radius 5m drawn in a park. Reshma throws a ball to Salma, Salma to Mandeep, Mandeep to Reshma. If the distance between Reshma and Salma and between Salma and Mandeep is 6m each. What is the distance between Reshma and Mandeep?"

🔶Our Playlists for Class 9:

👉Chapter-1: Number Systems :
   • Class 9 Number Systems Chapter 1 :  
👉Chapter-2: Polynomials :
   • Class 9 Polynomials Chapter 2 :  
👉Chapter-3: Coordinate Geometry :
   • Class 9 Coordinate Geometry Chapter 3 :  
👉Chapter-5: Introduction to Euclid's Geometry :
   • Class 9 Introduction to Euclid's Geom...  
👉Chapter-6: Lines and Angles :
   • Class 9 Lines And Angles Chapter 6:  
👉Chapter- 7: Triangles :
   • Class 9 Triangles Chapter 7 :  
👉Chapter- 8: Quadrilaterals :
   • Class 9 Quadrilaterals Chapter 8 :  
👉Chapter- 9 : Circles :
   • Class 9 Circles Chapter 9 :  
👉Chapter- 10: Heron's Formula
   • Class 9 : Heron's Formula  
👉Chapter-11: Surface Areas and Volumes :
   • Class 9 Surface Areas and Volumes Cha...  

➡️Here we are covering NCERT Book, RD Sharma, RS Agarwal, Previous Year's Papers, Most Repeated Questions in Exams, Sample Papers, AMU - Entrance Papers etc.

◾Deepak Rajoria
(Maths Teacher)
◾Focus Classes

#FocusClasses, #DeepakRajoria, #circles, #Class9, #Class9Maths #circlesclass9

What is a circle, chord, segment
Theorems related to Circles
Cyclic quadrilateral theorems
Proof of theorems of circle
How to prove a theorem on circles
Circles Class 9 Theorems
Proofs of all the theorems of circle
Circle theorems in one shot
Circles Class 9 All Theorems
Circles MCQs
how to find the value of an angle in a circle
Extra questions from RD Sharma
Extra questions from circles


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