Meditation to Extinguish the Forest Fires & Delete Lockdown Timeline

Описание к видео Meditation to Extinguish the Forest Fires & Delete Lockdown Timeline

Brought to you by Sisterhood of the Rose and Celestial Dragon..

Meditation to extinguish the forest fires burning from Cananda, to Louisiana, to the Dominican Republic, Spain, Greece, Hawaii and elsewhere and to energetically cleanse and send healing energy to the affected regions.
These fires could be used to energize new viral outbreaks, lockdowns, mask mandates, and more mandates for dangerous ‘remedies’. We can energetically visualize this lockdown timeline planned for this coming Autumn….and then DELETE IT.
As we do this guided meditation, we will watch with our inner eye how this negative timeline is erased and replaced by a positive timeline where people are conscious, free, and healthy.


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