Mercy · Princess Agents MV

Описание к видео Mercy · Princess Agents MV

Is it just me or is fighting foreplay for them? Hahaa, cute.

I'm #teamYuwenYue. Yuwen Yue's Xing'er.

Warning: Rant and Spoilers - I've never been more frustrated with a drama in my life. I'm ready to flip every damn table in my house because of this drama. It was such a good drama but it had the potential to be better. WHHHYYY? Season 2? SEASON 2?! With a different cast? No, no, no, NO, NOOO. All the emotions I built up in this drama isn't going to carry over to the next season so basically I spent 58 hours building a bond with all the characters just to have it all vanish because of a cliff hanger ending. UGH. The word frustrated doesn't even begin to cover what I feel about the last episode.

Honestly, the least this drama can do for me is show me Xing'er getting out of that water and whooping Yan Xun ass all up and down that icy lake. The drama Gods didn't come through this time.

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Song: Mercy by Shawn Mendes


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