广州上下九百年老酒楼!莲香楼总店晚餐!份量超大,味道不错!广州最历史久远的服装批发市场,十三行超级夸张,逼爆人!100元2件冬装!Guangzhou clothing wholesale market

Описание к видео 广州上下九百年老酒楼!莲香楼总店晚餐!份量超大,味道不错!广州最历史久远的服装批发市场,十三行超级夸张,逼爆人!100元2件冬装!Guangzhou clothing wholesale market

#廣州 #guangzhou #广州美食 #服装

广州莲香楼历史介绍:莲香楼[Liánxiāng Lóu] 位于广州市荔湾区第十甫路 67 号。前身是创建于清光绪十五年(1889)的连香糕酥馆,光绪三十四年(1908)被广州茶楼王收购,取名“连香大茶楼”。宣统二年(1910),翰林学士陈如岳品尝莲蓉食品后提议给“连”字加上草字头,并手书“莲香楼”作招牌。除经营传统粤菜之外,月饼和馅料两大品牌素有“广式月饼的鼻祖”和“莲蓉第一家”美誉。

广州十三行历史介绍:近代史上,洋人若要在中国行商,一般只能投居当地洋商行栈或租用行栈,或自赁民房。由此,我国的对外贸易渐渐转向于商业行馆贸易形式。史载诗十三行开始于康熙二十一年至二十四年(1682—1685年)四年间。这一新兴的行业有总商六家,副商七家,所以叫“十三行”,后来成了洋行的代名词。因“十三行”街内设有十三座夷馆,所以这里不仅是当时中国中西贸易的中心,还是明清时中西文化交流的中转站。但在鸦片战争前夕及期间,十三行经历了广州人民自发禁烟、林则徐销烟及各商行被英军洗劫一空的历史。 如今的十三行路却有着与当年相似的繁忙景象。十三行路遍布着大大小小的服装大厦,成包的服装被大大小小的货车运进运出,依旧一派繁忙的景致。

#批发 #老店 #酒楼 #老字號 #味道不错 #美味#十三行#莲香楼#购物#广州旅游#晚餐#Guangzhou #clothing #wholesale #market
视频介绍:广州上下九百年老酒楼!莲香楼总店晚餐!份量超大,味道不错!广州最历史久远的服装批发市场,十三行超级夸张,逼爆人!100元2件冬装!Guangzhou clothing wholesale market

#Guangzhou #guangzhou #Guangzhou Food #Clothing

History of Guangzhou Lianxianglou: Lianxianglou [Liánxiāng Lóu] is located at No. 67, Shiyifu Road, Liwan District, Guangzhou. Its predecessor was Lianxiang Cake House, which was founded in the 15th year of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty (1889). In the 34th year of Emperor Guangxu (1908), it was acquired by Guangzhou Tea House King and named "Lianxiang Grand Tea House". In the second year of Emperor Xuantong (1910), Hanlin scholar Chen Ruyue proposed to add the grass radical to the word "Lian" after tasting lotus seed paste food, and wrote "Lianxianglou" by hand as a signboard. In addition to operating traditional Cantonese cuisine, the two major brands of mooncakes and fillings are known as "the originator of Cantonese mooncakes" and "the first lotus seed paste store".
Restaurant address: Lin Heung House (Shangxiajiu Branch)
Address: 1st Floor, No. 67, Shidifu Road, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China (near Century Holiday Hotel)
Business hours: 07:00-16:00, 17:00-21:00

History of Guangzhou Thirteen Hongs: In modern history, if foreigners wanted to do business in China, they could only live in local foreign merchant houses or rent houses, or rent private houses. As a result, my country's foreign trade gradually turned to the form of commercial houses. According to historical records, the Thirteen Hongs began in the four years from the 21st to the 24th year of Emperor Kangxi (1682-1685). This emerging industry had six general merchants and seven deputy merchants, so it was called "Thirteen Hongs", which later became a synonym for foreign companies. Because there were thirteen foreign houses in the "Thirteen Hongs" street, it was not only the center of Sino-Western trade in China at that time, but also a transit station for Sino-Western cultural exchanges during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. But on the eve of and during the Opium War, the Thirteen Hongs experienced the history of Guangzhou people's spontaneous ban on opium, Lin Zexu's destruction of opium, and the looting of various businesses by the British army. Today, the Thirteen Hongs Road has a similar busy scene as it did back then. Thirteen Hongs Road is full of large and small clothing buildings, and packages of clothing are transported in and out by large and small trucks, and it is still a busy scene.

#Wholesale #Old Shop #Restaurant #Old Brand #Delicious #Delicious #Thirteen Hongs #Lian Heung House #Shopping #Guangzhou Tourism #Dinner #Guangzhou #clothing #wholesale #market
Video introduction: Guangzhou's 900-year-old restaurant! Dinner at the Lin Heung House main store! The portion is super large and the taste is good! The oldest clothing wholesale market in Guangzhou, Thirteen Hongs is super exaggerated and it's overwhelming! 100 yuan for 2 winter clothes! Guangzhou clothing wholesale market


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