Carveco Maker Plus: Generating Reliefs With Shape Editor

Описание к видео Carveco Maker Plus: Generating Reliefs With Shape Editor

In this video we take a focused look at our Shape Editor Tool! We get to see everything this powerful tool has to offer, with Leighton editing shapes in real time to bring out unique and concise designs. From drawing the shape and then increasing the height, to then editing the nodes to bring out unique designs, this video delivers that concise knowledge.

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00:00 - Introduction
01:32 - Drawing a Shape
01:51 - Shape Editor
02:49 - Square Profile
03:15 - Round Profile
03:28 - Flat Profile
04:15 - Height Limiting
05:23 - Creating a Chamfer
06:05 - Scale to Height
06:34 - Constant Height
06:48 - Editing in Real Time
08:03 - Relief Combine Mode
13:15 - Creating a Relief from a Color

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