"What tribunal? They defended our country." Voices of Azovstal women

Описание к видео "What tribunal? They defended our country." Voices of Azovstal women

Yaroslava's husband of thirty years and the father of her four children, and her two sons-in-law are the Azov Batallion fighters. They defended Azovstal and, currently, they are at Olenivka, the main place of detention for POWs. Yaroslava has not heard from her loved ones for months.

Yaroslava and other relatives of Azovstal defenders and POWs continue to hold peaceful actions in support of the defenders of Mariupol. They address the Ukrainian authorities, world leaders, the United Nations, and the Red Cross and ask for the release of their loved ones.

Russia is planning to hold a "tribunal" for POWs in Mariupol. The dates are unkonw. Human cages are being built in Mariupol.

This is the fourth interview in a series of conversations with the families of Azovstal defenders.

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