Post Stroke Arm Therapy (see description)

Описание к видео Post Stroke Arm Therapy (see description)

Here ya go everybody, this is a short video of post stroke therapy on my affected right arm. The exercise shown here usually last for about 10 minutes. When these electric sticker plugs are not attached to my arm, I can exercise with this "skate" to try and get any arm movement on my own. This stroke was from a year and a half ago, and at that time, I could not even move my right arm. I do various exercises and stretches everyday. If I won a billion dollar lotto ticket, I would give it all away to get back to the way I was before the stroke. Everyone that is in this position, I would tell them to always think positive and keep your exercising up everyday. Maybe someone can share a post below and talk about improvements they have had. Thanks ya'll for watching our vidz ‪@btr_ranch02‬


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