Persistence Manager for SAP Process Orchestration / Business Process Management (Level 1

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The design and development of any business process is a task that involves multiple teams. Often they are three – business team, process team and technical team. The business defines priorities as of which process should be delivered first, the process team defines the control flow and handles the implementation to the technical team. As far as theory is concerned, the current setup is flawless. In practice however the communication between those teams proves to be the biggest flaw in projects leading often to misunderstanding among the teams and to be frank – this is not surprising, since after all the teams speak “different” languages. For the business team it is important to gain valued outcome of the implemented process, for the process team the importance lies in the best practices and optimization of the process and for the technical team in the fast and bug-less delivery resulting in easy support after the Go-Live. But how those different goals can actually merge into one common goal? The answer is the rapid deployment solution delivered by IBsolution Bulgaria called Persistence Manager. It is a framework that is changing the way teams interact with each other making them work as one and follow a common goal. The tasks related to the creation of a process are streamlined within the framework making the process configuration an easy task. The upcoming webinar reveals important aspects of the framework that will make you re-think your perception complexity for BPM.

This webinar is targeted towards

Business teams that would like to save cost and reduce the time to Go-Live for their upcoming processes
Process teams who would like to improve the flexibility of their processes, or simply migrate their old user interfaces to SAP UI5 using the Fiori principles
Technical teams on the verge of achieving standardized support for all their running processes

In this webinar you will learn

How PM addresses the most common challenges of adopting a business process management system
What lies behind the abbreviation PM?
How does PM work?
What does PM achieve for your company?
PM installation and configuration tips and tricks
Live demo of the framework that will change the way you think about a business process design, delivery and support.


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