How to hide WooCommerce product prices until log-in

Описание к видео How to hide WooCommerce product prices until log-in

In this video, we look at how you can hide your product prices until after the user logs in. This is great for membership and wholesale-type stores.

The video shows how to hide all prices from all users before they log in. Or how to hide prices from certain users.

To hide prices until after the user has logged in, you'll need the WooCommerce Members Only plugin from Plugin Republic.

After you've installed and activated the plugin, go to the main settings page.

With the 'Restriction Method' setting, you can choose how you're going to restrict access to your site. So, you could choose 'Log-in status', 'Password', or 'User role'. If you choose' Log-in status', then only users who are logged in will be able to view your prices. If you wanted to be more specific about which users could view prices then you could choose 'User role' instead.

In the 'Restricted Content' setting, choose 'All Product Pages'. This will allow all users to view products in the shop, but only logged-in users will be able to able to buy them.

Finally, enable the 'Hide Price' option. This will hide prices from users who are not logged in.

If you like, you can change which products should be restricted - and, therefore, which products have their prices hidden - by choosing 'Specified Categories' in the 'Restricted Content' field. Then you can specify categories whose product prices should be hidden.

You can also select the 'Access Product Pages' option. This means that restricted users would be able to click into products and view their full descriptions. But prices would still be hidden for them.

If you like, you can also change the text for the "add to cart" button to an instruction to the user - for example, "Log in to view prices". Then you can select the option to redirect the user to the account page when they click the button.

There's a full tutorial on how to hide prices in WooCommerce until after the user has logged in here:

0:00 Hide product price till log-in
1:03 Plugin settings
2:01 Hide price setting
2:10 Additional settings
3:10 Resources


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