What’s Going On by Pink In Concert In Tacoma Washington

Описание к видео What’s Going On by Pink In Concert In Tacoma Washington

What’s Going On by PINK in concert at The Tacoma Dome in Tacoma Washington in the Seattle area on 09/04/2024 during The Trustfall Tour Summer Carnival Tour. #p!nk #pink #pinktour #pinktour2024 #trustfall #trustfalltour #trustfalltour2024 #summercarnival #summercarnivaltour #summercarnivaltour2024 #thetacomadome #tacoma #tacomadome #tacomawashington #seattle #seattlewashington #seattlemusicscene #seattlemusic #washington #washingtonstate #raiseyourglass #getthepartystarted #whoknew #justlikeapill #whataboutus #turbulence #oursing #bucketlistgoals #bucketlist #bucketlistjourney #bucketlistdestination #bucketlistexperience #emptynest #emptynesters #emptynesterlife #taylorswift #chappelroan #bensonboone #sabrinacarpentertour #ladygaga #madonna #beyonce


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