HOW MANY CANTARELLAS DO YOU WANT | Nilfgaard Assimilate Deck | Gwent

Описание к видео HOW MANY CANTARELLAS DO YOU WANT | Nilfgaard Assimilate Deck | Gwent

Deck :

Non-Calveit, old school assimilate deck, revolved around Cantarella. Blue Dream has tons of targets. Fercart can help that put sweet spying tag on a good unit. Traheaern and courier can help steal something good with Cantarella. Deck is weaker than a Calveit assimilate deck because we dont play Calveit or Torres. Nothing we can do about that. But a fun deck to annoy opponents.

00:00 NG Toussaintois Hospitality
06:35 NG Imposter
15:06 NG Tactical Decision
24:38 SK Rage of the Sea
31:22 SK Reckless Flurry


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