Best holiday chocolate chips cookies without butter| without brown sugar Make it in10 minutes

Описание к видео Best holiday chocolate chips cookies without butter| without brown sugar Make it in10 minutes

Music: Dear AutumnMusician: @iksonmusicLooking

for an easy holiday recipe? Try these Best holiday chocolate chips cookies without butter! They're deliciously chocolatey and soft, and they'll be gone in no time at all!

If you're looking for a butter-free holiday recipe that doesn't require any baking experience, try these cookies! In just 10 minutes, you can have a delicious batch of cookies ready to go!
So don't wait any longer – try these Best holiday chocolate chips cookies without butter today!
Looking for an easy holiday recipe? Try these Best holiday chocolate chips cookies without butter! They're deliciously chocolatey and soft, and they'll be gone in no time at all! If you're looking for a butter-free holiday recipe that doesn't require any baking experience, try these cookies! In just 10 minutes, you can have a delicious batch of cookies ready to go!
So don't wait any longer – try these Best holiday chocolate chips cookies without butter today!

INGREDIENTS :• An eggs• pinch of salt• 8 g vanilla sugar /(1/2 tbsp)• 110 g of sugar• 80ml oil / (1/3 tbsp)• 120g of corn starch• 14 g of bitter cocoa(2tbsp)• 10 g baking powder• 100g of flour• chocolate chips
ZUTATEN :• Ein Eier• Prise Salz• 8 g Vanillezucker /(1/2 EL)• 110 g Zucker• 80 ml Öl / (1/3 EL)• 120 g Maisstärke• 14 g Bitterkakao (2 EL)• 10 g Backpulver• 100 g Mehl• Schokoladenstückchen
مكونات :• بيضة• قليل من الملح• 8 جرام سكر فانيليا /(1/2 ملعقة كبيرة)• 110 جرام سكر• 80 مل زيت / (1/3 ملعقة كبيرة)• 120 جرام من نشا الذرة• 14 جرام من الكاكاو المر (2 ملعقة كبيرة)• 10 جرام بيكنج بودر• 100 جرام دقيق• رقائق الشوكولاته

   / @easyummy7  
#cookiesrecipe #cookie #holidaycookies


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