Are you Afraid to Change Jobs? Here’s What to Do!

Описание к видео Are you Afraid to Change Jobs? Here’s What to Do!

You’ve got a feeling you want (or need) to change jobs, but you’re afraid. What do you do? Firstly, know this is normal! Leaving a job can be scary, which is why in this episode I’m walking you through eight steps you need to take when you feel you want to change jobs.

Whether you want to leave and need help understanding how, or you want to explore options, this episode is for you.

You’ll learn:
– The 8 essential (and unexpected) steps for leaving your job
– How to know for certain whether leaving is the right thing
– What to do if you feel guilty about leaving
– How to move forward even when it feels scary
– The one mistake people make when looking to move

If you’re ready to move forward and learn how to create change in your career then this is a must watch!

Hayley Loren is a renewable energy engineer and career coach for people working in science, tech and engineering. To learn more about coaching with Hayley head to

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