Augmented Feedback in Motor Control and Learning

Описание к видео Augmented Feedback in Motor Control and Learning

Augmented Feedback in Motor Control and Learning: Performance-related feedback, Task-intrinsic feedback, Augmented feedback, Touch, Proprioception, Vision, Auditory, Sensory feedback, External source of feedback, External feedback, Task-extrinsic feedback, Knowledge of results (KR), Knowledge of performance (KP), Error vs correct performance feedback, Error-related information, Correct performance related information, Motivation, Qualitative augmented feedback, Quantitative augmented feedback, Error size, Performance bandwidth

Medical Disclaimer: The videos posted on this channel are for educational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Nothing posted on this channel is medical advice or a substitute for advice from your physician or healthcare provider. Always contact your physician or healthcare provider with any questions about a medical condition or your personal health.

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Martin, J. H. (2003). Neuroanatomy text and atlas, (3rd ed.). New York City, NY: McGraw Hill Companies, Inc.
Rosenbaum, D. A. (2010). Human motor control, (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Elsevier Inc.


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