Digitizing for boring with EmbroideryStudio

Описание к видео Digitizing for boring with EmbroideryStudio

Captions: English/日本語字幕/Français/Italiano/Español/Deutsch
Borer embroidery remains a popular technique for cutting holes in fabric to produce an effect similar to lace. This video provides advice on how to approach boring with EmbroideryStudio. Without stitch testing, however, we only can provide the theory.

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Printed copies of the EmbroideryStudio User Guide can be ordered from Amazon.com at
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0:00 Introduction
0:31 Select machine format
1:50 Create the hole
2:59 Stabilize the fabric
3:35 Create cover stitching
4:52 Productivity techniques
5:57 Combined effects
6:35 Output for boring


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