White Ink on Black Tattoo | Session 2 | VLOG & kittens

Описание к видео White Ink on Black Tattoo | Session 2 | VLOG & kittens

Session 2 with white ink over my black sleeve tattoo! Turned out even better than I imagined!

White ink on black sleeve part 1:    • White Ink on Black Tattoo | First ses...  

See the first parts of my black sleeve tattoo project on my old channel:
Black sleeve part 1 (Norwegian):    • Helsvart arm!? | Fersk tattoo pleie |...  
Black sleeve part 2 (Norwegian):    • Helsvart arm DEL 2 | Studio VLOG og u...  
Black sleeve part 3 (English):    • Black Arm Tattoo PART 3 | First VLOG ...  

Follow me on social media: @tonesabro
My tattoo artist on YT: ‪@GunnarNiceland‬ and on Instagram: @gunnar_v_tattoo
Element Tattoo Oslo on Instagram: @elementtattoooslo

Thank you so much for watching and subscribing!


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