Vera Jochum

Описание к видео Vera Jochum

Vera Jochum

« For me, art has to be exciting and give the viewer space for their own interpretations. Interpreting my pictures is not my job but that of those who look at them. »

Vera Jochum is an artist based in Germany whose paintings have been featured in solo exhibitions nationally. Through her art, she processes what concerns her, as well as her personal feelings, and chaoas. Jochum describes her artistic practice as being marked by a constant process of building and destroying, creating new persectives in each layer until each piece has reached its final state.
Reinhold Glière
12 Duos for 2 Violins, Op.49, No. 1 (1909)
.dedicated to B. Sibor
Ivan Pochekin & Mikhail Pochekin, performers
12 January 2024
[email protected]
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