Tipping Point – OFFICIAL TRAILER 2024

Описание к видео Tipping Point – OFFICIAL TRAILER 2024

We meet five circus artists and a musician in a raw world built of trusses, metal pipes and wires. Through acrobatics, aerial acrobatics, hair hanging and contortionism, they move with, against and despite the structures. What does it take to keep the balance when what seems stable can suddenly collapse?

"Tipping Point - Balancing in a Time of Change" is a circus show about structures – our human structures and what holds our societies and democracies together. Why do they look the way they do? What keeps them in balance?

In a tensegrity structure, the form is held together by tension, balance and forces that pull in different directions. The slightest change can cause the entire building to fall. What happens when the most fundamental collapses? Who gets trapped, and who finds freedom? Tipping Point serves as a reminder that nothing is inevitable and that change is possible.

Actually, it's pretty simple. Regardless of size, every action can be part of a larger change.

Sébastien Klink – Duo Trapeze & Tensegrity Elements
Morgane Stäheli – Duo Trapeze & Tensegrity Elements
Delia Ceruti – Hair Suspension, Aerial Rope & Straps
Kalle Pikkuharju – Contortion & Foot Juggling
Quentin Dubot – Chinese Pole & Vocals
Axel Fagerberg – Percussion

Alexander Weibel Weibel – Director
Saara Ahola – Set & Costume Designer
Matt Horton – Creative Rigging Design
Patrik Bogårdh – Light Designer
Marie Persson Hedenius – Dramaturge
Mirja Jauhiainen – Assistant Director
Axel Fagerberg – Composer

Trailer by Alex Hinchcliffe

READ MORE: https://cirkor.se/en/tipping-point/


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