Crafting a Cultural Legacy:Nomadic Men and Women Building a Traditional Bathhouse for Their Children

Описание к видео Crafting a Cultural Legacy:Nomadic Men and Women Building a Traditional Bathhouse for Their Children

In this captivating video, you will witness the amazing craftsmanship of men and women from a tribal community as they build a traditional bathhouse using locally sourced stones and wood. You'll be amazed at the intricate designs and techniques they employ to create a beautiful and functional structure. From selecting the perfect stones to carving out wooden panels, every step of the construction process is a testament to their dedication to preserving their cultural heritage. And as the bathhouse nears completion, the community gathers to celebrate and honor their hard work. But the best part of the video comes at the end when you get to see the joy on the faces of the little children as they take their first bath in the newly built bathhouse.
nomadic lifestyle of Iran
#nomadic #iran
#tribalcommunity #traditionalbathhouse #stonework #woodwork #craftsmanship #dedication #children #bath #culture #heritage #construction #localmaterials #communitygathering


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