CBU 105集束炸彈,被聯合國禁止使用的大威力武器,可以摧毀敵方整個建制的裝甲集群

Описание к видео CBU 105集束炸彈,被聯合國禁止使用的大威力武器,可以摧毀敵方整個建制的裝甲集群

CBU-105型集束炸彈(BU)是美國研製的可攻擊坦克和裝甲車群的炸彈,據印度媒體報導,美國政府近日宣布向印度出售CBU-105型集束炸彈,交易總額近2.6億美元。 CBU-105型集束炸彈配備有減速用的降落傘,內含有10枚採用計算機控制、雷達製導的子彈藥,可攻擊一定範圍內的裝甲目標。有關媒體和專家指出,印度空軍的蘇-30MKI戰鬥機可掛載這種半噸重的集束炸彈,“美洲虎”攻擊機也可掛載這種大威力武器。該型集束炸彈具備獨特的“子彈藥精確打擊能力”,可攻擊坦克或裝甲車頂部裝甲薄弱的部分,能對裝甲集群造成重創,是當前較為先進的空射“坦克殺手”,可大幅提升對地攻擊能力,削弱對手裝甲部隊的優勢。
The CBU-105 cluster bomb (BU) is a bomb developed by the United States that can attack tanks and armored vehicles. According to Indian media reports, the US government recently announced the sale of CBU-105 cluster bombs to India, with a total transaction amount of nearly 260 million U.S. dollars. The CBU-105 cluster bomb is equipped with a parachute for deceleration and contains 10 computer-controlled and radar-guided submunitions, which can attack armored targets within a certain range. Relevant media and experts pointed out that the Su-30MKI fighter of the Indian Air Force can carry this half-ton cluster bomb, and the "Jaguar" attack aircraft can also carry this powerful weapon. This type of cluster bomb has a unique "sub-munition precision strike capability", which can attack the weakly armored parts of tanks or armored vehicles, and can cause heavy damage to armored clusters. It is currently a relatively advanced air-fired "tank killer" that can greatly increase ground Attack ability, weaken the advantage of the opponent's armored forces.


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