Steve McQueen - Nevada Smith (1966) | "The kid's creepy. He ain't human! " | Classic Westerns

Описание к видео Steve McQueen - Nevada Smith (1966) | "The kid's creepy. He ain't human! " | Classic Westerns

One of The best Steve McQueen Western movies, unstoppable Revenge for a murder killing his father and mother.
Karl Malden's explosive performance lighting the end part of the movie, A Academy Award Winner for Best Supporting Actor in 1951 film of Streetcar.

Truly Magnificent Seven STARS in western movies:
1. John Wayne : soft outside and tough inside
2. Clint Eastwood : calm and wily
3. Kirk Douglas : emotional and fun
4. Gregory Peck : upright and respectable
5. Paul Newman : good looking and stay cool
6. Steve McQueen : spontaneous GUTS
7. Val Kilmer : cool and gallant


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