Zombie Revenge - Rikiya Busujima (Arcade)

Описание к видео Zombie Revenge - Rikiya Busujima (Arcade)

Video 3 of my Zombie Revenge series. This Is Rikiya Busujima in arcade mode. This is the last video I am doing of this game. Don't forget to subscribe to my new channel! I am only uploading a few more videos here.

A note about the cheats in this game... Every source I found says to unlock freeplay in arcade mode, you need to beat all 3 original modes. But I beat them all with each character, using no cheats, and each card chosen and never got it. I got myself a VMU and played the VMU's trainig mini-games and unlocked the "Freeplay" cheat in the 3 original modes, and that's how I got freeplay in arcade as well, so that info may be wrong. Another thing, I don't think there is any specific set of points you have to get with any one character, or all 3 combined in those mini-games to get any of the cheats or anything. The cheats come randomly, and you won't know what you get till you get it. You could also get them quick, or after building up your characters for fight mode many times. Also having your trained characters with maxed out stats of 999 doesn't seem to do anything. I believe it's random, so just keep playing the games till you get them, as much as that sucks :/ I could be wrong, but I think that's the case for those VMU cheats.

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