Covenant Community 101 | Discovering Your Identity | Part 6

Описание к видео Covenant Community 101 | Discovering Your Identity | Part 6

Ever wondered what it would be like to be a prophet? Consider the prophet Hoshea (Hosea). He was told to marry a promiscuous woman, Gomer, so that Yahweh could make a visual point to his people.

Rabbi Steve Berkson takes us through the Book of Hosea to show us that even though His people did shamefully by pursuing their own pleasures by adapting themselves to other deities He would still not forget the promises He made to Abraham and his offspring; to make them a mighty nation and a blessing to all nations.

Related Teachings:
• Whose Eyes Are You Right In?    • Whose Eyes Are You Right In?  
• INfocus - Leave Them Alone    • INFOCUS – Leave Them Alone!  

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