Beginner Gunpla | Trying out panel line scribing for the first time

Описание к видео Beginner Gunpla | Trying out panel line scribing for the first time

Hey everyone, what's good!

In this video I would like to share with you my experience with panel line scribing. In my journey to learn more techniques about Gunpla customization I felt like panel line scribing would be one of the most exciting and rewarding techniques. So I picked it up as a first step. This video is not meant as a tutorial, but more like a first testimonial of my experiences.

0:00 - Intro
2:10 - Scribing Tools
3:03 - Talking about my experience
8:40 - Before and after shots

Below are two links to the chisels that I used. Those are catered towards people in Germany, as this is where I bought them. No affiliate links.


Scribing chisel:

Chisel holder:


G Academy Scribing Basics:    • How To Start Scribing Your Gunpla FEA...  
Studio Rihito Panel Line Design discussion:    • 【ガンプラ】カッコイイスジボリデザインの作り方  
Ravi Pla Panel Line symmetric panel lining tutorial:    • Gunpla Tutorial / How to symmetrical ...  


You can also find my Toyphotography on:

• Website:
• Instagram:   / giantrobolove  

Check out behind the scenes photos on my Twitter:

•   / giantrobolove  


Check out my latest Gunpla customization video where I try out pla plate to add details: "HG Zeta Gundam Custom Build | Leg Unit"
   • HG Zeta Gundam Custom Build | Leg Unit  


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