Retire Before Mom & Dad, with Rob Berger | BiggerPockets Money Podcast #89

Описание к видео Retire Before Mom & Dad, with Rob Berger | BiggerPockets Money Podcast #89

Rob Berger grew up literally with Rich Dad, Poor Mom. While his mother almost lost her house after his parents divorced, his father was filthy rich, picking him up in a Rolls Royce for weekend visits.

Throughout high school and college, he spent every dime he made, and graduated with around $55,000 in debt - and a wife.

Upon graduating law school, he felt that “If I don’t save something, it would be a missed opportunity - even if it was $100 a month.”

Keeping up with the (lawyer) Joneses took him in a big way - fancy car, fancy watch - and it wasn’t until he started listening to Dave Ramsey and hearing all those people scream “I’M DEBT FREE!!!” that it clicked. He didn’t want the fancy things anymore, he wanted to be debt free.

He started saving in his retirement accounts, while simultaneously paying down debt because “it would be insanity to forgo contributions to your 401(k) so you could pay off your 6% student loan debt or credit card debt you can transfer to a 0% card. Even if you don’t have a match, you only have that one year to contribute. When the year is gone, that opportunity is gone.”

Rob discovered that small changes in his daily habits didn’t have a very big impact in his daily life, but these small changes had a HUGE impact in his net worth. As he turned down opportunities to spend money, he saw his net worth skyrocket, until his money was making more money than he was!

Rob has taken everything he learned on his own journey, and put these tips into a book aimed not at Early Retirement, but Financial Independence - encouraging everyone to attain the freedom to pursue their best life.

Check the full show notes here:


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