[Updated] Dynasty Warriors 8 XL - Xingcai Ultimate Solo Run (PS4, no audio)

Описание к видео [Updated] Dynasty Warriors 8 XL - Xingcai Ultimate Solo Run (PS4, no audio)

Stage: Unique Weapon Acquisition Battle 9 (DLC)
• Liao Hua, Lei Tong, Wang Ping (10:26), Huang Zhong (11:36), Zhou Yu and Lu Su (12:25) are super officers in this stage.

Weapon 1:
• Thunderclap (E) 66+10:
Fury, Flurry, Harmony, Frenzy, Aggression, Velocity

Weapon 2:
• Godly Set (E) 62+10:
Flurry, Harmony, Frenzy, Velocity, Jubilation, Triumph

Equip Skills:
• Rage Springs, Havoc, Attack Boost, Mighty Roar

• Red Hare

Bodyguard Support Skills:
• Signal - Rage & Signal - Energy

• Thank you @derknrt for the Harmony suggestion.

• I still have Xingcai's old analysis available since most of what applied before still applies in this video:   • [Outdated] Dynasty Warriors 8 XL - Xi...  

• With Harmony + C4-EX buff she can punch through super officers with her Normal String. Originally, @derknrt has a more offensive setup with:
Induction, Explosive, Flurry, Harmony, Frenzy, Velocity

• With C4-EX, this maximized her Normal String damage to deal as much as possible. I originally wanted to do this, but I couldn't fit Jubilation and Triumph on her other weapon (Pure Musou setup; see Weapon 1). So in the end, I sacrificed both Induction + Explosive (I+E) for Jubilation + Triumph.

• Switch Attack (SA) is largely the same as before, great for disarm. Without I+E, the disarm is 100% guaranteed.

• Normal String (S6) or S5→C6 will allow her to deal "real" damage with her Normal/Charge attacks compared to the old setup. Against super officers, setup a C4-EX and a SA disarm, then proceed to swing at them (10:40, 12:34). Without I+E, the damage is less potent, but is still considerably strong to rival characters like Lu Lingqi's Normal Strings.

• C5-EX is noticeably weaker without I+E and she will be slower when it comes to crowd clearing. Not the end of the world for her as crowd clearing for KOs is the least of concern here. I+E is stronger than Harmony, but at the cost of one extra slot.

• C4-EX Attack buff is more useful than ever now. This allows her damage to basically skyrocket if she combines it with Rage as well.

• Musou 1 with C4-EX Attack buff is a guaranteed OHKO against super playable officers in late game stages (12:25 against super Zhou Yu, 11:36; I cancelled C4-EX Attack buff too early, but that would have OHKO super Huang Zhong). Against double Defense super playable officers, a good Musou 1 hit can deal a staggering ~80% damage to them, rivaling Musou damages like Zhang Fei and Guan Ping. After reviewing the video, I realized that I had a perfect hit with Musou 1 on Zhu Ran (2:24). He literally ate the full Musou 1 with no pushbacks, no wall, minimum peons.

• Musou 2 is outclassed at this point, even if it was a literal 1v1 standoff. Weak officers will still get OHKO'd to a Musou 1 from her and super officers in small crowds will likely need two Musou usages to KO. The only reason to consider Musou 2 at this point would be for the guaranteed damage (as long as it grabs) vs unreliable hitbox with Musou 1 in a no crowd, no wall situation.

• @derknrt Induction, Explosive, Flurry, Harmony, Frenzy, Velocity variation can be considered if Normal String is the preferred playstyle. With this, the second weapon will want to at least have Jubilation. An option could be: Flurry, Harmony, Frenzy, Aggression Jubilation, Velocity/Roar. Roar will allow her to consider True Rage Musou as another form of safe offense against a huge pileup since her Normal String and Musou options aren't optimal enough for that task. Velocity can be used so she can take advantage of her Normal and Charge Attacks to heal her Health more comfortably.

• True Rage Musou is viable during pileups, especially extreme variants in DLC stages. SA before entering Rage Musou to make sure enemies unblock and to have her transition into True Rage Musou as smoothly as possible. Replace Triumph with Roar if True Rage Musou is preferred.


No audio because this was recorded through the features in PS5.


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