Brothers and Sisters of People with Disabilities: Unique Concerns, Unique Opportunities

Описание к видео Brothers and Sisters of People with Disabilities: Unique Concerns, Unique Opportunities

During this large-group discussion participants learned about the concerns and opportunities frequently experienced by siblings of people with disabilities. Participants learned what researchers, clinicians, and siblings themselves say about growing up with a brother or sister who has a disability. Implications for parents and service providers will be discussed throughout the workshop.
Presented by Don Meyer, from the Sibling Support Project
Part of the 2018 Summer Institute on Neurodevelopmental Disorders

The UC Davis MIND Institute is working to amplify the voices of the disability community and promote neurodiversity. This includes responding to concerns regarding the language and framing used to describe autism and other neurodevelopmental disabilities. We believe there is a benefit to maintaining access to historical presentations like those on our YouTube page, but recognize that the vocabulary used doesn’t always match the current preferred language. We appreciate the harmful impact of this outdated language, the discriminatory framework which fostered it, and the distress it may cause to some individuals. In an attempt to lessen this, we have changed the titles of presentations where appropriate.


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