Hugsvape Ring Lord Mesh RTA.обзор без слов.a review without words.

Описание к видео Hugsvape Ring Lord Mesh RTA.обзор без слов.a review without words.

Один из ярких примеров тому – компания Hugsvape, которая предлагает вейперам свое видение бака на сетке - Ring Lord Mesh RTA. Особенность этого атомайзера не в том, что на нем можно использовать только сетку, а в том, что конструкцией предусмотрен оригинальный и нестандартный обдув, который позволит максимально раскрыть вкус жидкости и навал.
Actually the whole structure design is just the traditional RTA tank design. Well there's some special changes in this Hugsvape Ring Lord Mesh RTA tank. On the top cap, Different from the pull-then-refill design, Hugsvape decided to applied the screw structure on it. Slightly twist the top cap buckles, you can easily take the cap off then refill the liquid. The big rubber ring on the bottom of the cap also avoids the leaking problem to some extent! Inside the tank, there's also an arched airflow ring for replenishing air, That's the reason to explain its awesome performance. hugsvape ring lord mesh rta
On the other hand, Due to it's a mesh coil RTA. So the post structure comes with two clip design. Two tiny screws make sure you can easily build the mesh coil. But It's too easy to be screwed off. Well you also get two replacement screws in the package so don't worry if you lost one.
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