How To Write And Deliver A Eulogy Step 1 of 6 - Funeral Speech - A Moment For Yourself Tutorial

Описание к видео How To Write And Deliver A Eulogy Step 1 of 6 - Funeral Speech - A Moment For Yourself Tutorial for more information on this step.
This is the first step in this six part series.
This series is based on the guide "How To Write And Deliver A Great Eulogy in Six Simple Steps" available at :-

At some point in our lives we may be called, perhaps unexpectedly, to give a eulogy for a close family member. Should it fall upon your shoulders, this six part video series was created for you. In your time of grief and need, I hope this video series helps.

This first video of the series focuses on you. The deliverer of the eulogy. The less you are anxious or worried, the better the eulogy you can deliver. It's very understandable that you may be in a place of turmoil at the moment, having lost a loved one. So it's important to center yourself, and find a place of peace and calm within, or try your best to. In looking after yourself, you will be better able to think, and craft the funeral or memorial speech, and to deliver it.

This first video offers a very simple meditation to help us relax and find the peace that is somewhere within. Don't be limited to this meditation, there are many that can be found on the web. If you email me on my contact page of the website,, I will put up a page of audio meditations. I don't know if there's a demand for this, but if there is, I will do so.

This video is subtitled "A Moment For Yourself". And you should do exactly that. Find a quite place away from the phone and other people, and simply relax, watch your breath, say a prayer or just contemplate. Know that Angels hold you in the palm of their hands.

For more help on this step, please check out the guide upon which this video series is based at :-


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