How 3D printing is enabling the ‘4th Industrial Revolution’ | Dr. Tim Minshall | TEDxOxBridge

Описание к видео How 3D printing is enabling the ‘4th Industrial Revolution’ | Dr. Tim Minshall | TEDxOxBridge

3D printing is not just a cool technology for rapid prototyping,
modelling and specialist one-off products. It is a fundamental
building block of the ‘4th industrial revolution’ that has the
potential to transform the way in which production and consumption are
connected. This talk explores how this is happening using examples
from medical prosthetics, aerospace, disaster relief, and education.

Tim Minshall is a Reader in Technology and Innovation Management at Cambridge University Engineering Department and a Fellow of Churchill College. His research, teaching and outreach is focused on open innovation, the adoption of new technologies, the development of engineering skills, and the growth of the Cambridge high tech cluster.

He is a Non-Executive Director of St John's Innovation Centre , a Visiting Research Fellow at the Institute of Technology, Enterprise and Competitiveness (ITEC) at Doshisha University , and a member of the IET's Innovation and Emerging Technologies Policy Panel . He is a member of advisory / steering committees for groups including ideaSpace, Cambridge University Entrepreneurs, Cambridge i-Teams, and 100% Open .

He is a recipient of a University of Cambridge Pilkington Prize for Teaching Excellence and aRoyal Academy of Engineering/ExxonMobil Excellence in Teaching Award .

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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