Vant's Hoff isotherm equation | reaction isotherm | chemical equilibrium

Описание к видео Vant's Hoff isotherm equation | reaction isotherm | chemical equilibrium

Vant's Hoff equation | reaction isotherm | chemical equilibrium

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[ Bsc 1st year ] •• •• ••

[1] Atomic Structure (ch-1) Bsc first year first unit Inorganic Chemistry
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[2] Structure & Bonding (ch-1) Bsc first year first unit organic Chemistry
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[3] Periodic Properties (ch-2) Bsc first year first unit Inorganic Chemistry
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[4] Mechanism of Organic Reaction (ch-2) Bsc first year first unit organic Chemistry
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[5] Alkanes & Cycloalkanes (ch-3) Bsc first year Organic Chemistry
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[6] Gaseous state bsc 1st year (physical chemisty)
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[7] Liquid state (ch-4) bsc 1st year physical chemistry...
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[8] Chemical bonding bsc 1st year (ch-3, unit - 2) inorganic chemistry...
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[9] Alkenes cycloalkenes dienes and alkynes....
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[10] S-block elements bsc 1st year (inorganic chemistry)
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[11] P-Block elements inorganic chemistry bsc 1st year
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[12] catalysis physical chemistry bsc 1st year
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[13] Solid state physical chemistry bsc 1st year...
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[14] Alkyl and aryl halide organic chemistry bsc 1st yr.
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B.Sc 2nd year 3rd semester chemistry all chapters
(1)    • B.Sc 3rd semester chemistry all chapters  

[ Class 10th chemistry ] •• •• ••

• Chapter [1] Acid ,Base and Salt
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•Chapter [2] Chemical reactions and equation ..
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