Niklas Luhmann : The Closure of the Legal System

Описание к видео Niklas Luhmann : The Closure of the Legal System

Lecture by Niklas Luhmann as part of the summer course "El Derecho en la Posmodernidad" of the International Institute for the Sociology of Law (IISL) Oñati from July 19-26, 1990, there in the "Special Conference: Niklas Luhmann: The Closure of the Legal System". : Critique and Clarifications" on the question of the operational closure of the legal system.

The lecture was based on the manuscript "Operational Closure and Structural Coupling", which was published in 1991/92 under the title "Operational Closure and Structural Coupling. The Differentiation of the Legal System" in the Cardozo Law Review (13, 1419-1441).

Introduction to Luhmann's theory (in Spanish) by IISL Director at the time, Dr. Pierre Guibentif.

The copyright owner of the recording is Pierre Guibentif, who kindly made the document available to us.

For technical reasons, the recording of the lecture stops in the 52nd minute. After a short break, the subsequent discussion is recorded.


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