The Vlad Couch Episode 14: Lord Jamar (Full Interview)

Описание к видео The Vlad Couch Episode 14: Lord Jamar (Full Interview) - From bestiality to dealing coke, Lord Jamar covers it all during his latest sit down on "The Vlad Couch." It has become expected of the Brand Nubian emcee to give us some thought-provoking opinions on today's most controversial topics, but what may be the most interesting part of this particular podcast has nothing to do with the world and it's shortcomings at all.

Before delving into his personal life, the actor brings up the most talked about women in the past couple of months: Rachel Dolezal and Caitlyn Jenner. Lord Jamar expresses his grievances with the two of them, though at the end of the day Rachel is still his "sweet Nubian neanderthal." He also sheds light on the past and current state of Black culture, how it's been stolen and feared by the White community for decades, and why he feels the future looks bleek if the government continues to anger the Black community. "Is this all coincidental that all these things are happening right now?" he rhetorically asks. "I just feel like they're really trying to incite Black people to do some s*** right now," he expresses before diving into his thoughts on present-day concentration camps. "They're already built," Lord Jamar believes. "And they're just waiting for a motherf***** to f*** up."

After touching on Lil B, America's alleged "gay agenda," and why Europeans ultimately fear a Black planet, the topic gets a little more personal when Lord Jamar revisits his upbringing. A young Jamar used to frequent the projects at a young age, and eventually began selling coke at just 13-years-old. He then goes on to admit that he dabbled in his own product for the next six or so years, but a brush with death made him change his ways during his late teens. "The only thing that saved me was having knowledge of self," he tells us. He even alluded to trying heroin twice, although he didn't favor it. "I wanted to be up," Lord Jamar recalls as he reflects on his dark past.

Find out more about the time he "came up short" during his dealer days, his master key theory and why he feels a woman can't do the the things a man can do on this exclusive episode of "The Vlad Couch."


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