Made in Germany | Peru -- The Mining Boom

Описание к видео Made in Germany | Peru -- The Mining Boom

German industry has increased its stake in the mining industry in South America. Peru is currently in the limelight.

The nation is one of the largest producers worldwide for copper, silver, gold and zinc. Germany hopes to replace the US as the main supplier of machinery. The German embassy in Peru organises visits to mines for German businessmen and has set up a technological association of German companies.
It is shortly after sunrise and time to head for the Andes.
Dieter Lamle is the business attaché at the German embassy in Lima. He has 25 members of staff from German companies with him. Most of them are Peruvians representing BASF, Mercedes as well as a large number of middle sized companies.
They have come together to size up their business opportunities in the mining industry and have travelled to the remote mountain region of Alto Chicama in Northern Peru.
Dieter Lamle: "The mines are very focused on the US. They want US products, they buy US products - they're up there at an altitude of 4000 metres, looking into the distance and seeing only the US...and they don't realise we exist.
That is why we are going to the mine to make them aware of German technology and break into this US monopoly that is shared a bit by South Africa, Canada and Switzerland but not Germany."
No easy undertaking when you are headed for 4200 metres above sea level.
The scenery is pretty spectacular, but no one really notices at this altitude - where there's very little oxygen in the atmosphere. Exhaustion is getting to most of the members of the expedition.
After five hours negotiating pot holes, they arrive at the Lagunas Norte Mine.
It is run by the Canadian company Barrick, one of the leading names in the mining industry and especially interesting for the German suppliers.
But before they can start their sales pitch they need to undergo a health check.
Dieter Lamle and many others need an added supply of oxygen. This helps relieve the typical symptoms of altitude sickness, headaches and dizzyness.
Now the diplomat can finally start the ball fluent Spanish. He explains to the Barrick managers that they have come to open doors and make personal contacts. The Canadians are positively surprised by the Germans' direct approach:
Hugo Roman Venero, Barrick Mine Manager:
"So many companies in one go...that's something new to us but I think it's a good idea. I am also surprised by the technology the German companies have on offer. We'll be taking a close look and comparing it to the competitors."
The company reps carry on the sales talk while Lamle explores the mine. This is where gold is mined.
A sudden change in the weather. Time to sound the red alert. Dieter Lamle explains the situation:
"We have a strong storm and that means we have red alert...nobody is allowed to leave their car or the building they are in...there were three fatalaties in Caja Marca recently and that is why the security measures must be followed exactly."
The storm passes and we can carry on filming. The Lagunas Norte Mine is just one of many new finds in Peru. The mining industry is booming throughout the country.
Most of them are run by US or Canadian companies who buy their machinery and the other equipment back home...although, says Lamle, German technology is more environmentally friendly and more efficient.
Time for lunch - fillet of beef at 4200 metres above sea level.
A relaxed atmosphere as brochures and calling cards are exchanged across the table. But so far no contracts have been signed.
Dieter Lamle:
"The work is just beginning for the companies. For my part this job ends this evening and I can plan the next trip. But they have to write emails, make phone calls and make appointments to come back next week. They need to meet up with Barrick's representative in Lima and strike while the iron is hot."
The delegation rounds off their visit for a song written especially in praise of the mine workers.
So they have managed to outdo their US competitors...if only in song.


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