A Very Basic Look at Taxes - Between Denmark and USA

Описание к видео A Very Basic Look at Taxes - Between Denmark and USA

We take a very basic look at what taxes and take home pay looks like for an individual making 100,000 USD a year in the US or 50,000 DKK a month in Denmark. This takes an apples to apples look at how and where that money goes and what is left for an individual after the fact. This isn't meant to complain or debate the merit of taxes, but just to take a simple look at fundamental differences or similarities between DK and the US. And know, we aren't tax experts, but I have managed my taxes in both DK and the US on my own, so I at least understand my situation well :).

This also isn't meant to be an all inclusive look at taxes, but at first step about the basics. We don't cover sales tax/VAT, differences in state income tax depending on where you live, cost of living differences, etc. These are things we will address on future videos.

Another bit we didn't cover here are deductions or end of year calculations that could change your tax obligation. What gets withheld each month is sometimes either too much or too little.

We hope you find this interesting as it is based on our personal experiences when living in both Denmark and the US.

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