humzh baits spearshot and yassin into an hour-long "debate" about religion

Описание к видео humzh baits spearshot and yassin into an hour-long "debate" about religion

a whole lotta talking in this one 😭 if you can watch the whole thing and understand everything, i admire u.

0:00:00 - humzh starts the argument with chat
0:08:14 - yassin joins the voice call
0:15:54 - spearshot joins the voice call
0:22:22 - humzh's brain starts to stop working........
0:39:00 - yassin goes take some shrooms
0:49:00 - humzh tries to say something
0:57:52 - humzh the meditator
0:59:34 - humzh actually says something for once oooo
1:18:13 - the "debate" finally ends...?
1:21:21 - humzh finally taps out + thoughts about the "debate"

catch the streams on twitch: :D

if u want more things to read check the channel description :3

#twitch #humzh #highlights


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