Krishna Deva Bhavantam Vande Remix with Jay Radhe Jay Jay Madhava Dayite (By HG Amarendra Prabhuji)

Описание к видео Krishna Deva Bhavantam Vande Remix with Jay Radhe Jay Jay Madhava Dayite (By HG Amarendra Prabhuji)

Lyrics And Translations Of the 2 Beautiful Bhajans

[1] Song Name: Krishnadeva Bhandala Vande
Author: Rupa Goswami
Book Name: Stavamala
(Section: 6th Song 24)

(Pallavi) Krishna Deva! Bhavantam vande
man-manasa-madhukaram arpaya nija-pada-pankaja-makarande

ydyapi samadhichu vidir api pasyati na tava nakhagra-marichim
idam ichchami nishamya tavacyuta! Tad api kripadbhuta-vichim

bhaktir udanchati yadyapi madhava! Na tvai mama tila-matru
paramesvarata tad api tavadhika-durghata-ghatana-vidhatri

ayam avilolatayadya sanatana! Kalitadbhuta-rasa-baram
dweller eternally ihamrita-nindini-vindan madhurima-saram ॥

Refrain: O Lord Sri Krsna! I am offering a prayer unto You. Please let the bee of my mind be offered the nectarian honey of Your lotus feet.

1) Although Brahma in full samadhi cannot catch a glimpse of even a ray of the effulgence from the tips of Your toe-nails still, O Acyutah! Having heard of the waves of Your astonishing mercy, I long to receive Your grace.

2) O Madhava! Although I don't possess even a sesame seed of bhakti for You, still, by Your inconceivable power which makes the impossible possible, please fulfill the desires of my heart.

3) He Sanatana! Because Your lotus feet are filled with such wonderful rasa, let the bee of my mind always reside unwaveringly in that nectar which puts everything else to shame, for they are the essence of all sweetness. This is my only prayer.)

[2]Song Name: Radhe Jaya Jaya Madhava Dayite
Official Name: Sri Radhika Stava
Author: Rupa Goswami
Book Name: Stavamala
(Section: Volume 6 Song 14)

(refrain) radhe jaya jaya madhava-dayite

lalita-sakhi gunaa-ramita-visakhe
karunam kuru mayi karuna-bharite

(Refrain) O Radha! O beloved of Madhava! O You who are worshiped by all the young girls of Gokula! All glories unto You! All glories unto You!
(1-3) You who dress Yourself in such a way as to increase Lord Damodara's love and attachment for You! O queen of Vrndavana, which is the pleasure grove of Lord Hari! O new moon that has arisen from the ocean of King Vrsabhanu! O friend of Lalita! O You who make Visakha loyal to You due to Your wonderful qualities of friendliness, kindness, and faithfulness to Krsna! O You who are filled with compassion! O You whose divine characteristics are described by the great sages Sanaka and Sanatana! O Radha, please be merciful to me!


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