Panel | Navigating Turbulence in the Energy Sector

Описание к видео Panel | Navigating Turbulence in the Energy Sector

The rapidly accelerating clean energy transition has created challenges for both established and emerging energy companies as they navigate an increasingly turbulent future. This panel will focus on how leading energy companies and industries are addressing challenges, such as an influx of public capital and policy incentives, the rising cost of private capital, evolving disruptive market dynamics, and regulatory and policy issues created as a result of the demands of the energy transition.

- Henrik Andersen, CEO, Vestas
- Hon. Mary Landrieu, Senior Policy Advisor, Van Ness Feldman, LLP
- Scott D. Sheffield, CEO, Pioneer Natural Resources
- Lorenzo Simonelli, Chairman and CEO, Baker Hughes

Moderator: Vijay Vaitheeswaran, Global Energy & Climate Innovation Editor, The Economist


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