GOURD LEAVES & RICE Cooking & Eating by Tribe Village Grandmother | Village Cooking Review Channel

Описание к видео GOURD LEAVES & RICE Cooking & Eating by Tribe Village Grandmother | Village Cooking Review Channel

Today we have moved to Purandil village where there are over 120 tribe people. We will meet one of them, a rural grandmother, and today we will see her cooking. If you really look at these rural houses, it seems that I spend the rest of my life here. Their social and cultural life is very interesting even if they don't have enough food. One by one we will present to you the identity of their way of life. We are very happy to be able to spend these days with them. Today we will see that a grandmother picked up a pumpkin from the vicinity of her house and cooked it, along with their traditional rice 'haria'.

GOURD LEAVES & RICE Cooking & Eating by Tribe Village Grandmother | Village Cooking Review Channel


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