Start with WHY - Cities need homeless Breakthrough Academies

Описание к видео Start with WHY - Cities need homeless Breakthrough Academies

The only way to reverse homelessness at a greater rate than it has been growing in major cities - and shift the culture from learned helplessness and services entitlement, toward learning, earning and contributing - is by equipping communities with more Hero School Breakthrough Academies.

Imagine people finally set free from homelessness so they can live the lives they were meant for, and at a rate 10-times faster than today's youth are becoming tomorrow's homeless adults.

All too often, when someone is stuck in homelessness, addiction, downward spirals or repeated history - without a BREAKTHROUGH - life continues to erode until tragically, all is lost.

Without first neutralizing the inner issues that lead to or perpetuate these conditions, struggling people end up right back where they started…usually worse.

There's nothing compassionate about leaving the same people in the same struggles with the same behavior, and with the same rate of erosion to human potential and once-thriving communities, each subsequent different day.

HERO School-certified Breakthrough Academies were designed to quickly free struggling people from the 4 Habits of Homelessness (Todd, T., 1995) so every next step counts, every investment made grows, every inner conflict is resolved, and the past no longer defines the person or their future.

And it all happens fast, as with these attendees, in just a few powerful hours, with large groups of people right off the street, all at one time, like a movie.

HERO School Breakthrough Academies prove that struggling people can want what we want, and find the courage to face root causes that end downward spirals and destructive behaviors.

Do homeless people's circumstances change in 2 hours? Rarely. Do yours?

What does change with the vast majority of attendees - in the very first session - is both the neutralization of the 4 habits of Homelessness (Todd, T., 1995) and each attendees "want to".

Imagine people who've been lost, stuck, hopeless, angry, rebellious or "service-resistant" - for years - now "wanting" to add value first (instead of beg), take responsibility (instead of blame), learn from teachers and employers (instead of from cultural biases or other homeless people), and who take action on new information (instead of make excuses, talk back, tell more stories, or accuse you). In about 2 hours.

Imagine no more wasted lives and broken dreams. No more lost experience, harmful relationships, decaying cognition, unrealized human potential, or wasted resources. Imagine what could be.

Now imagine putting people in housing, programs, treatment, jobs or our communities without FIRST neutralizing errant behaviors.

After each Breakthrough Academy, communities receive graduates who are inspired learners, earners and responsible contributors, newly-minted heroes ready to seize their own opportunities, grow with their companies and earn their own way out of their past - and not remain perpetually dependent on hand-outs, substances or government programs, and without putting more non-profit staff and volunteers in dangerous situations.

Desperate people - particularly after entitlements - invariably bite the hand that stops feeding them.

Instead, we can finally set people free from homelessness so they can live the lives they were meant for, and at a rate 10-times faster than today's youth are becoming tomorrow's homeless adults.

To sponsor a Breakthrough Academy in your area, contact HERO School Community Initiatives at [email protected] or call (702)795-7000.

Video: Geoff Powell / [email protected]

Real. Life. Change. At The Speed of Movies.™


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