Windrush Legacy Film

Описание к видео Windrush Legacy Film

In 2019 we led a project to celebrate Windrush Day 2019, with a special event in Chelmsford on 22 June, a pop-up exhibition and a legacy film. This 10-minute mini-documentary tells the story of the Windrush, featuring historical images and photographs, shots of Tilbury Docks and Windrush events across Essex, and specially invited speakers. This includes artist Evewright, talking about his recent project Caribbean Takeaway Takeover which recorded the stories of Caribbean elders and part of the Windrush Generation, using art installation, photography and sound.

The project was supported with funding through the Government’s Windrush Day Grant Scheme to support communities to commemorate and celebrate the outstanding contribution of the Windrush Generation and their descendants. 50 community groups, arts organisations and local authorities across the country used the funding to lead school projects, street parties, exhibitions, talks and workshops to recognise and honour the immense legacy of those who stepped ashore at Tilbury Docks over 70 years ago.



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