To'kan, Throne of the Guardian - B&M Inverted Coaster [Final NL1]

Описание к видео To'kan, Throne of the Guardian - B&M Inverted Coaster [Final NL1]


As the title says, this is my last coaster of NL1 (as NL2 has recently just been released). As such the video is pretty thematic, so here are some markers to help the impatient navigate:

Fly-Through: 1:22
Queue POV: 2:33
Coaster POV: 3:17

This coaster is by far my largest and most extensive to date. Though it only took a little over five months to make, there's over 350 hours of work in this project. To'kan is a jungle-themed Bolliger & Mabillard Inverted coaster with a rather extensive theme. The coaster is supposed to be more old-school B&M invert style, with an emphasis on ferocity/domination and relentlessness. The layout was intended to be unordinary but still realistic (nothing crazy). Two major influences were Top Gun/Flight Deck at CGA and Nemesis at Alton.

Track made with FVD++. All scenery, theming, buildings, railings, lights, benches, etc. are all made out of supports and catwalks.

*For those interested, the full description of the story/theme is below.*


Lift Height: 135 feet
Max. Elevation Change: 194 feet
Max. Speed: 57 mph
Length: 3950 feet.
Inversions: 6
Trains: 3

1. Ahn'qiraj [Interior] (Part 1)
2. Flute Fruit by Shpongle
3. The Drift by Blackmill
4. Mythos (Original Mix) by Mefjus & InsideInfo

Download the coaster here:

"Greetings travelers. You must have traveled very far to have found us here, but I'm distraught to say that the monks here at the temple are a bit... pre-occupied with a certain situation that occurred two days past...

"During Ash'Kotemph—a sacred night of worship where we perform a great ritual to aid To'kan in his vigil against The Void—a novice monk mistook Nightblossom for Billyweed and accidentally summoned the God himself into the physical plane! While To'kan would never intentionally harm one of his followers, the summoning ritual has left him temporarily deranged and highly irate, and now he's running amok in the skies over the temple. The real danger, however, is that doing this created a temporal rift between the spirit plane and the physical plane, allowing The Void to seep back into our world once more. If we don't find a way to seal the rift, The Void threatens to consume the entire planet.

"I know it's a great deal to ask, but will you aid us?

"We believe that if we can get To'kan to travel back through the rift, the same incantations that originally sealed it will repair it again; the only problem is getting To'kan to cooperate. This is where you come in. We need you to hop on the creature and stay on for as long as possible until he starts to wear out and weaken, at which point you need to direct him back into the temple and through the rift. This should send To'kan and The Void back to the spirit plane, leaving you unharmed and safely back in the temple.

"Once secured to To'kan, try to see if you can get him to start off easy to get a feel for controlling him. We'll set up a small course under the temple—see if you can get him to go through the red hoops. After that, you're on your own.

Good luck."


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